Curatorial Project

February 10, 2022 - May 10, 2023

A private viewing window space housed in a Mies van der Rohe townhome co-directed by Elysia Borowy and Carl Craig. Better known as the glass houses, Lafayette Park contains the largest collection of residential buildings designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Through this project we hoped to radiate radical optimism.

The project also took a cue from Maurizio Cattelan’s Wrong Gallery, where viewers would peer through a window into a small two-and-a-half square foot of floor space. The name came about because, as Cattelan explains: "We loved the idea of people saying: 'It's a great show, but it's in the wrong gallery.' Other influences include Daniel Reich’s apartment gallery to Marcel Duchamp's studio collection. The blacked-out walls of the space give a nod to Craig’s work as an artist and dance music clubs around the world.


Leni Sinclair, Camaron Spratley, Chris Turner and Taru Lahti

Cover image

External view of 1364, photo by Elysia Borowy, Detroit. Courtesy of the photographer.